And apart from using his herd of Alpine male goats as pack animals on his hiking and hunting expeditions into the backcountry, Marc also designs efficient goat hay feeders like this on his website,. Marc Warnke is a pioneering pack goat breeder and adventurer. (It also offers each goat plenty of lateral feeder space – so there’s less squabbling and head-butting.) And they swear this one is the best! We love how the design prevents goats from quickly pulling their head out of the homemade feeder and spilling hay all over the ground.

Marc Warnke from Pack Goats tested various goat-feeder ideas. Here’s another clever hay feeder design for goats that helps prevent waste. Low-Waste Roofed DIY Horned Goat Hay Feeder Plans
No Trapped Horns IBC Tote Goat Hay Feeder IdeaĮxamine this excellent design if you’re sick of wasting hay! Norwegian Hillbilly teaches how to make a goat hay feeder using an IBC tote. And let’s investigate 17 DIY goat hay feeders, plans, and ideas that save time, labor, money, and munch!

Hay feeders with ground clearance and a roof prevent rain and ground moisture from rotting the hay. Wet hay will form mold, a threat to goat health.Goats can waste as much as 50% of the hay in the feeder by dropping it on the ground (most goats will not eat hay feed that gets dropped and stomped).A well-designed modern goat hay feeder must balance farm economics, farmer ergonomics, and goat well-being.To the untrained eye, a goat hay feeder may look simple, but the best goat feeders must address several important issues, including the following. The best goat hay feeders also manage goat-feeding behaviors, safely optimizing each mouthful of hay while limiting hay spoilage. The best DIY goat hay feeders use low-cost materials to minimize hay wastage while facilitating easy feeding for goats of various ages and sizes. We’re more than happy to share with our farmyard friends! Not just the goat herd! Pigs and sheep too! That’s okay. The only problem is that everyone showed up. It works perfectly as a hands-off DIY feeding station. We searched everywhere to find the best homemade hay feeder for goats – and we want to share our 17 favorites! But first – here’s a neat bale feeder design from old wood pieces and scrap wood. Make Your Hay Feeder the Greatest of All Time!.

Kid-Safe Single or Double-Sided Goat Hay Feeder Plans Step-Up Indoor DIY Low-Waste Goat Hay Feeder Funky Little Goat Hay Feeder Idea on Skids With a Roof Neat-Hinged Goat Hay Fence-Feeder with Roof Idea Nigerian Dwarf Goat Hay Feeder Plans With Roof Budget-Friendly DIY Pallet Goat Hay Feeder Idea Easy DIY Square Bale Goat Hay Feeder Plans Timber Goat Hay Feeder Plans With Roof and Trough Small Goat DIY Hayrack and Bunk Feeder Plans Budget Indoor Wire Rack Goat Hay Feeder Ideas No Trapped Horns IBC Tote Goat Hay Feeder Idea